We Are The One

The North End is one of my favourite parts of Saint John- it has beauty, character, and history. In July, I participated in a pilot project called Spotlight, which facilitated artists from various disciplines working in different parts of the city, creating connections, and leaving something behind.

Working with One Change in the Nick Nicolle Centre, I got to meet people who live in the O.N.E. and hear some of their stories. We had an amazing summer evening of sharing time together on the banks of the river down on Bridge Street. It was a fantastic experience and moved me to write this song. 

As a result of this experience, I’ve decided to try and start a creative scholarship/prize for young people in the area - the song can be downloaded and/or donations can be given which I plan to use to encourage potentially creative writers, artists, and musicians to pursue their path. The award(s) will depend on how much money is raised, and it is my hope it might help jump-start a few dreams! 

100% of the proceeds will be used to fund a scholarship.
Click on the link to contribute, and thanks for the support!

Written by Brent Mason
Recorded by Gary Stackhouse with Aaron Gunn

Brent Mason - electric guitar/vocals
Aaron Gunn - drums and bass
Gary Stackhouse  - electric guitar


Brent Mason lights up the room with Fireflies